
Introduction to Biopharmaceuticals

  1. G+FLAS
  2. Biopharmaceuticals
  3. Introduction to Biopharmaceuticals

Biopharmaceuticals, also known as biologics, are drug products made from biological sources including people or other organisms.

Terminology varies but biologics, genetically engineered drugs, medicines from cell culture, cell therapeutics, gene therapy drugs, and other FDA-approved drugs can be referred to as biopharmaceuticals.

G+FLAS Life Sciences, Inc. produces genetically engineered drugs in innovative ways.

Table 1. Scope and content of biopharmaceuticals

Category Description
  • Includes vaccines and blood components that cannot be evaluated for activity and safety by physical or chemical tests alone
  • Medicines administered for the prevention of infectious diseases
  • Live attenuated vaccine, inactivated vaccine, subunit vaccine, Toxoid vaccine, mixed vaccine, DNA vaccine, etc.
Blood preparation
  • Blood component preparations and plasma fraction preparations using blood as raw materials
  • Since the raw materials are finite and the blood in their own countries must be used first, the Red Cross is managed with publicity
Genetically engineered drug
  • Includes protein drugs and antibody drugs containing proteins, etc., produced by gene manipulation as active ingredients.
Therapeutic protein drug
  • Used primarily for treatment of intractable diseases and divided into first- and second-generation
  • First-generation protein drugs: Use the same structure as natural protein
  • Second-generation protein drugs: Use of protein engineering techniques or ancillary recombinant proteins to improve efficacy or increase the half-life

* Guideline Biopharmaceutical Clinical Trial of KFDA, 2013

Production of antibody through a transient expression system