Product Pipeline
- Biopharmaceuticals
- Product Pipeline
GF003: Plant-based 'trastuzumab' biosimilar antibody
- Production by transient expression system in plant (Nicotiana benthamiana)
- Improving sugar patterns of antibodies by using host plants with glycotechnology
- Significant improvement of ADCC ability of antibody
Cas9 monoclonal antibody
- To test the development of Cas9-based gene therapy products
- Enhanced antibody titer
Host plants with glycotechnology
- Plants that can improve the sugar pattern of expressed proteins
- Removal of characteristic fucose patterns in plants
PRO-VITAMIN D3 TOMATO by non-GMO gene editing
- World's first PRO-VITAMIN D3 TOMATO using a non-GMO (DNA-free) method
- Uses only proteins and small size RNA for editing